samedi 31 août 2024

The naughty guy of the week (September 1-7)

 Vote for your favorite naughty boy by putting his number in the comments.

The naughty boy who gets the most votes will be presented on Saturday, September 7.

Will your favorite be elected?

Your vote will be deleted from the comments as soon as it is validated so as not to influence the other voters.

Your favorite naughty

 Many of you voted to elect the naughty boy of the week. Here is the winner!

Tomorrow: 80 photos in 8 different themes.

Tomorrow, come back and look at 80 photos in 8 different themes.

20240831(black & white)

Beautiful manly torsos in black and white

20240831(black dick)

 My first African blowjob

20240831(first time)

 The first time I saw my man's cock


Do you like my ass? 

Answer me eye to eye.

Demain, journée spéciale: Aisselles - Tomorrow, special day: Armpits (201)

Les aisselles produisent les phéromones, cet aphrodisiaque naturel. Armpits produce pheromones, this natural aphrodisiac.