mardi 30 avril 2024

One of my drawings...

 Many young men like more mature men who have experience.

I tried to represent this situation in this drawing.

dimanche 28 avril 2024

Don't forget to leave me a comment, it will make me happy.

My other drawings of the week...

One of my drawings...

I'm still having problems with my computer, but I don't want to deprive you of my posts. I lost all my photos so far. You will have to be satisfied with my drawings. I'll be back soon like I was before this computer crash. My second drawing of the day: The sauna man with the bandanas and the red towel

One of my drawings...

Bottom ready for her lover...

mercredi 17 avril 2024

The blow jobs

 Who has the most fun?

The one who sucks or the one who is sucked?

I like both, but sometimes it's hard to find a good mouth or a good cock!!!

What do you prefer ?

3D drawings

I like to draw, but I stuck to pencils, charcoals and Indian ink.

I admire these computer-generated drawings, but are they still art?

The beauty of black and white photographs

 Sometimes in photos, color is not essential to reinforce the power that the model exudes...

One of my drawings.

Left hand handjob.

Do you use your right or left hand to jerk off?

I'm asking you this for my statistics! ;-)

Demain journée spéciale-Tomorrow is a special day

 Demain, journée des belles fesses (201 photos, gifs animés et dessin) Tomorrow is Beautiful Butt Day (201 photos, animated gifs and drawing...