Many young men like more mature men who have experience.
I tried to represent this situation in this drawing.
Many young men like more mature men who have experience.
I tried to represent this situation in this drawing.
Who has the most fun?
The one who sucks or the one who is sucked?
I like both, but sometimes it's hard to find a good mouth or a good cock!!!
What do you prefer ?
I like to draw, but I stuck to pencils, charcoals and Indian ink.
I admire these computer-generated drawings, but are they still art?
Left hand handjob.
Do you use your right or left hand to jerk off?
I'm asking you this for my statistics! ;-)
Demain, journée des belles fesses (201 photos, gifs animés et dessin) Tomorrow is Beautiful Butt Day (201 photos, animated gifs and drawing...